Ultra-Short-Term Fly Ash Concentration Time Series Forecast: An Integrated Deep Learning Model
10月12日本周三下午15:30-17:10(15:30-16:00茶歇时间)研究院将在道远楼103会议室举行2022年系列研讨会活动的第12次活动,本期将由通用求解器实验室的马丁老师分享主题报告“Ultra-Short-Term Fly Ash Concentration Time Series Forecast: An Integrated Deep Learning Model”。We design an integrated neural network to predict the fly ash concentration at the electrostatic precipitator inlet that is widely used in manufacturing and power plants, to reduce pollutant emissions and energy use. For individual plants, the direct energy-saving and indirect clean air bonus amount to millions of dollars financially, aside from the potential economic credits in the growing carbon market.
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