Brain-inspired auditory attention
Project description/goals
We formulate a computational model that emulates human cognitive process in a 'cocktail party’with an aim to achieve selective auditory attention in real-world acoustic environment. We will advance the state-of-the-art in both theory and practice, and develop prototypes for video conferencing and hearing aids applications.
Importance/impact, challenges/pain points
The state-of-the-art speech technologies such as speech and speaker recognition, computer-assisted speech communication only work in a quiet, single talker acoustic environment. The success of this project will mark an important milestone for deployments of speech technologies in complex real-life acoustic environment such as multi-talker and noise-heavy cocktail party.
Solution description
A system that extracts one’s voice from a multi-talker noisy environment based on the listener’s eye gaze or brain signals.
Key contribution/commercial implication
The world’s first hearing aids with eye/brain steered auditory attention.
Next steps
Large scale data collection in realistic environment Collaborators/partners U Bremen Germany, NUS Singapore
Haizhou Li, Siqi Cai, Meng Ge